
Membership in the OAO

If you are interested in becoming a member of the OAO, you must be a Certified Specialist in Orthodontics, graduated from an accredited University Graduate Program and be registered with RCDSO to practice Orthodontics in Ontario.

If you have any questions about joining the OAO, please Contact Us.

Why Join OAO?

  • Benefit from our consumer awareness campaign which has driven 10,000 potential patients to our website since June 2016
  • Listing on our Find an OAO Orthodontist Search
  • Access to members only on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram social media pages
  • Attend bi-annual business meetings, and two Core 1 lectures (6 CE credit courses are free for our active, academic, and student members)
  • Monitoring and communicating with the RCDSO regarding misrepresentation of orthodontic specialty credentials by general dentists
  • Advocating and protecting our specialty at many levels, ie RCDSO, ODA, AAO, CAO, GLAO, and the public
  • Biennial scientific session offering amazing CE including Core 1 courses at a great value.
  • An opportunity for camaraderie with your colleagues

If you are ready to apply, please fill out the online application form.


Apply Now!